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Shipping & Delivery



We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operate in over 200 countries and islands world wide. Nothing means more to us than bringing our customers great value and service. Within three days of purchasing your item we will arrange for your item to be delivered directly from our warehouse in China. As soon as your items are in the mail system you will be sent a tracking number to trace your package.

Do you provide Free International delivery?


Yes! We offer Free International shipping on all orders. 


How are the products packed?


In order to provide free shipping and also to insure the safety of the pieces during shipping we will repackage the contents of the sets in a more space efficient manner before sending it to you, but without the gift box. The pieces will still be in their original sealed plastic bags however they will be packaged more tightly so they don’t move around during transit.

How long does shipping can take?

Due to the natural of international mail delivery it is hard to give an accurate estimation of delivery times. Depending on the destination and time of year, items can be held up in customs for a significant amount of time. With that in mind we would suggest you plan for 1 to 4 weeks before you receive your item (and hopefully be pleasantly surprised when it arrives early). To USA can take less because we use ePacket service. This is an expedited service made possible by a partnership between China Post and USPS to facilitate increased commerce between the two countries. China Post will handle your parcel using their Express Mail Service and once it arrives in America USPS will deliver your parcel by First Class Mail. 

What about customs?

We are not responsible for any custom fees once the items have shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages may be shipped to you and may get custom fees when they arrive to your country.

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